Environment and energy conservation technology influenced by chemistry education of interdisciplinary engineering students

Takaomi Kobayashi


Chemistry has “significant” potential for preventing energy and environment conservation. In human education based on chemistry and materials, research collaboration between Nagaoka and Guanajuato could strongly contribute resources through a decade. That is a leading cause by both university people and their scientists who have concluded in a new study. Our purposes, which also relate why people are at high risk for energy and environment conservation by growing economy and industry around world, therefore, is to effect human growing in both countries through chemistry education. They are important things to apply our chemistry skill and knowledge on the conservation. Especially, our relationship has focused that educational approach to Mexican and Japanese students through exchange program and research projects on developing new materials. For example, every year, Japanese bachelor students visited and stayed in Guanajuato for about 5 months to see and touch different culture and also Mexican students stayed in Nagaoka

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Naturaleza y Tecnología, revista electrónica de la División de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas del campus Guanajuato, Universidad de Guanajuato. En ella se reciben para su revisión y arbitraje, artículos originales de investigación, artículos de revisión sobre temas actuales de investigación, así como ensayos sobre diversas temáticas del mundo científico y académico en las áreas de la química, matemáticas, ingeniería, astronomía, biología y farmacia, dentro del ámbito que comprenden las ciencias naturales y exactas, siendo requerido que no hayan sido publicadas o en proceso de publicación en otras revistas. Cuenta también con un Facebook de notas científicas de actualidad como apoyo a la actividad académica de la comunidad universitaria y para conocimiento del público en general como parte de un programa de divulgación científica y tecnológica.
