Biotechnology -Meet the Extremophiles-

Guadalupe de la Rosa


Biotechnology integrates natural sciences and engineering sciences for the improvement of industrial processes in order to provide better goods and services. Biotechnology takes advantage of biological materials and substrates including enzymes and other biomolecules. In this regard extremophilic microorganisms, those able to exist in conditions outside the normal range for humans, have been identified as especially useful since they resist very unusual environments (i.e. high temperature). This article is intended to present some interesting aspects of extremophiles, their classification and why they are important in biotechnology.


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Chapelle, F.H. (2000) Groundwater Microbiology and Geochemistry, 2nd Ed. John Wiley & Sons, USA.

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Mancinelli, R.L. (2003) Evolution of Halophiles: a terrestrial analog for life in brines of Mars, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5, 04360.

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