Jesús Manuel Núñez López, Juan Gabriel Segovia Hernández


El término de resiliencia ha tomado relevancia en las últimas décadas. La resiliencia se aplica en diversos campos laborales y puede influir en cómo las personas manejan situaciones desafiantes en el entorno profesional; representa la capacidad de los individuos, organizaciones y sistemas para enfrentar, adaptarse y recuperarse de situaciones adversas. En un mundo caracterizado por cambios constantes, desafíos inesperados y complejidades crecientes, la resiliencia se convierte en una cualidad fundamental que influye en la forma en que enfrentamos los obstáculos y superamos las dificultades. Este concepto trasciende disciplinas, encontrando aplicaciones en la psicología, la ingeniería, la gestión organizacional y otros campos. 

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Ashouri, M., Fung, B.C.M., Haghighat, F., y Yoshino, H. (2020), Systematic approach to provide building occupants with feedback to reduce energy consumption. Energy, 194, 116813.

Bragatto, P., Vairo, T., Milazzo, M. F., y Fabiano, B. (2021). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the safety management in Italian Seveso industries. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 70, 104393.

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Imani, M., Hasan, M.M., Bittencourt, L.F., McClymont, K., y Kapelan, Z. (2021), A novel machine learning application: Water quality resilience prediction Model. Science of the Total Environment, 768, 144459.

Leise, P., Niessen, P., Schulte, F., Dietrich, I., Kirchner, E., y Pelz, P. F. (2021, May). Potentials and Challenges of Resilience as a Paradigm for Designing Technical Systems. In International Conference on Uncertainty in Mechanical Engineering (pp. 47-58). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Leng, J., Zhong, Y., Lin, Z., Xu, K., Mourtzis, D., Zhou, X., Zheng, P., Liu, Q., Zhao, J.L., y Shen, W. (2023). Towards resilience in Industry 5.0: A decentralized autonomous manufacturing paradigm. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 71, 95-114.

Martínez-Guido, S.I., Núñez-López, J.M., y Ponce-Ortega, J.M. (2020), Involving resilience in synthesizing food networks in low-income communities. Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability, 5(1), 139-157.

Núñez-López, J. M., Rubio-Castro, E., y Ponce-Ortega, J. M. (2021). Involving resilience in optimizing the water-energy-food nexus at macroscopic level. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 147, 259-273.

Orosz, Á., Pimentel, J., Argoti, A., y Friedler, F. (2022). General formulation of resilience for designing process networks. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 165, 107932.

Osman, A. I., Chen, L., Yang, M., Msigwa, G., Farghali, M., Fawzy, S., Rooney, D.W., y Yap, P. S. (2023). Cost, environmental impact, and resilience of renewable energy under a changing climate: a review. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 21(2), 741-764.

Ribeiro, P.J.G., y Pena Jardim Gonçalves, L.A. (2019), Urban resilience: A conceptual framework. Sustainable Cities and Society, 50, 101625.

Senkel, A., Bode, C., y Schmitz, G. (2021), Quantification of the resilience of integrated energy systems using dynamic simulation. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 209, 107447.

Zinetullina, A., Yang, M., Khakzad, N., Golman, B., y Li, X. (2021). Quantitative resilience assessment of chemical process systems using functional resonance analysis method and Dynamic Bayesian network. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 205, 107232

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